The Detectors – Diciotti Dilemma?!
(23/02/2020 – SBÄM Records)
Y’a quelques temps, j’avais brièvement évoqué ce groupe, The Detectors, dans un article sur mes écoutes du moment. Et voilà que je reparle d’eux plus tôt que prévu, pour la simple et bonne raison que non seulement un nouvel album est à venir (le 15/05/2020 chez SBÄM Records), mais qu’en plus ça s’annonce bien, vraiment très bien.
Ce dimanche 23/02 le groupe a dévoilé la vidéo d’un nouveau titre, Diciotti Dilemma?!, que je guettais depuis que ça avait été annoncé. Je pourrais résumer ce morceau par 2 courtes phrases: « Sea rescue is not a crime! » et « Matteo Salvini is an asshole« .
Pour la version plus développée, je vous renvoie à leur propre explication:
« So we are more than happy to present you the first song of the new Album « IDEOLOGY » by The Detectors which is going to be released on 15 I 05 I 2020 via SBÄM Records. The song deals with the fact that every single human being has got the right to be assisted in distress at sea, no matter where he or she is from. And that those who assist deserve the support and solidarity of all of us. And that Matteo Salvini is an asshole.
While we’re hanging out here in Kiel, Flensburg or Hamburg, doing jobs or making music, or simply sit in warm & dry rooms, every day people drown in attempting to cross the Mediterranean Sea in tiny rubber boats. While we are playing shows for solidarity or writing songs about it, on site there are people who directly act: They are on the Mediterranean Sea and save others from drowning. They do exactly, what should be expected by each and everyone of us. But the reality is different. Sad but true, whether you are assisted in distress at sea depends still – or even worse: again – on the country which issued your passport. A piece of paper, a definition, that decides about life and death. If this happens to you as a tourists off the coast of Norway, you get rescued via helicopters, if this happens to you as a refugee off the coast of Italy, you are abandoned to your fate. And those who try to change it, who tackle, who stand up for those values Europe still claims to defend, are being harassed, criminalized and hindered from their precious work.
Although we are not on site, we would like to contribute our part, express our solidarity and show these people they’re not alone. Hence, we designed some solidarity shirts, which you can order from now on for 16 € ( or get at any show of us. We will give the whole revenue as well as every cent from the video-clicks to the organization Refugee Rescue ( who assist people in distress at sea off the coast of Lesvos.
Help us show some solidarity with all sea rescuers out there!
With this mind: Sea rescue is not a crime!! »
Une question d’humanité en somme… 😉
Passons à l’essentiel, cette vidéo fraîchement sortie ; enjoy!